Ensure Your Student is Prepared for SAT & ACT Exam Day
Two of the most frequently requested ABC Tutoring in-home test preparation programs are our SAT and ACT Preparation Courses. SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) and ACT (American College Testing) are standardized tests that are typically taken at the 11th and 12th grade levels. The SAT and the ACT are utilized by colleges during the admissions process.
In 2021 more than 1.5 million high school students took the SAT (Facts, 2022) and 1.3 million took the ACT (Forbes, 2021). These standardized tests are typically taken in a monitored group setting and are comprised of testing individuals on specific academic subjects which we have covered below.

What You Can Expect from the SAT Test
The SAT is comprised of 154 questions with a completion time of 3 hours and 15 minutes with breaks included. The SAT is broken up into 4 sections reading, writing, math, and the optional written essay portion. It’s important to note the math section has portions that allow the use of a calculator and some sections that prohibit the use of a calculator. For the optional written essay portion of the SAT, 40 minutes is typically the allotted time allowed, making the SAT a 4 hour and
5-minute exam, with breaks included.
Any student can take the SAT as many times as they would like, it’s recommended that students take the test at least twice, once in the spring of junior year and again in the fall of senior year. College admissions typically accept the highest SAT results so its beneficial to for every student to take the test more than once.
SAT Reading Section
In this portion of the SAT, a student can expect to see questions that focus on literature, historical documents, social science, and natural sciences.
- Number of questions in section: 52 multiple choice questions
- Time allotted for the reading section: 65 minutes
SAT Writing and Language Section
In this portion of the SAT, a student can expect to see questions that focus on grammar, vocabulary in context, and editing skills.
- Number of questions in the writing and language section: 44 multiple choice questions
- Time allotted for the writing and language section: 35 minutes
SAT Mathematics Section
In this portion of the SAT, a student can expect to see the questions that focus on algebra I and II, geometry, and trigonometry.
- Number of questions in the mathematics section: 58 multiple choice questions broken up into 20 non-calculator and 38 calculator permitted questions.
- Time allotted for the mathematics section: 80 minutes which is broken into a 25-minute non calculator portion and a 55-minute calculator permitted portion.
- The SAT mathematics portion is by far the most challenging section of the SAT and is ABC Tutor’s most frequently requested test preparation subject.
What You Can Expect from the ACT Test
The ACT is comprised of 215 questions with a completion time of 2 hours and 55 minutes with an optional for an additional 40-minute essay/writing test making it a maximum 3 hour and 35-minute exam, with breaks included.
The ACT is broken up into 5 sections english, mathematics, reading, science, and the optional written essay portion. The administers of the exam will allow students to take the ACT up to 12 times but unlike the SAT it is recommended that students take the ACT no more than 2 or 3 times. Multiple retakes of the ACT can have a negative impact on a student’s college application.
ACT English Section
In this portion of the ACT, a student can expect to see questions that focus on testing usage, mechanics, and rhetorical skills.
- Number of questions in English section: 75 Multiple choice questions
- Time allotted for the English section: 45 minutes
ACT Reading Section
In this portion of the ACT, a student can expect to see questions that focus on social studies, natural science, literary narrative, and humanities.
- Number of questions in reading section: 40 Multiple choice questions
- Time allotted for the English section: 35 minutes
ACT Science Section
In this portion of the ACT, a student can expect to see questions that focus on data analysis, experimental results, and conflicting viewpoint.
- Number of questions in reading section – 40 Multiple choice questions
- Time allotted for the English section – 35 minutes
ACT Mathematics Section
In this portion of the ACT, a student can expect to see questions that focus on pre-algebra, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, coordinate geometry, plane geometry, and trigonometry.
- Number of questions in reading section: 60 Multiple choice questions calculator is permitted on all ACT mathematics exam section questions.
- Time allotted for the English section: 60 minutes
- The ACT mathematics portion is by far the most challenging section of the ACT and is our most frequently requested test preparation subject
Optional ACT Writing Section
In this portion of the ACT, a student will be asked to a formulate a long form written response to a given issue or exam question.
- Time allotted for the optional writing section: 35 minutes
ABC In-Home Tutor’s Components for Successful Test Taking
Not every student possesses the proper test taking skills to cross the academic finish line and standardized testing is not always the most effective way of gauging a student’s knowledge and understanding of a subject. The SAT and ACT can be especially frustrating for those students who struggle during test taking situations; things like test anxiety, low confidence, or lack of preparation can all factor into your child’s performance when it matters most.
Preparation, repetition, and confidence are three of the most important tenets that we stand by at ABC Tutors, we believe these tentpoles of success are crucial to any student becoming a successful test taker.
If you believe your child may be underprepared, struggling to understand test material, or simply lacking the confidence when it’s time for testing, then you should consider enrolling your student in one of our SAT, ACT test prep programs.
ABC In-Home Tutoring test preparation programs are designed to ensure that your child is ready for big exams and that they have every advantage possible on test day. ABC In-Home Tutors will also administer a series of practice tests designed to give each student firsthand experience with the test they will be taking. Our practice tests scenarios will mimic the time allotted on test day and subjects covered so that each student will have a better sense of what to expect on test day.
Fortunately for our students the tools needed for being a successful test taker can be provided by our team of screened and certified instructors who are ready to help students succeed academically.
ABC Home In-Home Tutors Utilizes Kaplan Test Prep & Princeton Review
ABC in home ACT and SAT Preparation Programs adhere strictly to Kaplan Test Prep and Princeton Review techniques. ABC Tutors programs are designed to strictly adhere to state curriculum and standards to ensure that students have every advantage and are super prepared leading up to test day. Our programs provide a complete overview of every subject a student will encounter on SAT and ACT tests.
SAT & ACT Math Prep is Our Most Requested Tutoring Program
As we discussed briefly in our ABC Tutors SAT and ACT breakdowns the mathematics sections are without a doubt the most challenging and most frequently requested test preparation programs that we see students enrolled in.
If you know that your student currently struggles with or has struggled with math in the past, its wise to get them prepared in advanced for these difficult sections of the SAT and ACT.
Enroll Your Student in an ABC Tutors In-Home SAT and ACT Test Preparation Programs Today
We recommend that every high school junior and senior target end of summer and beginning of fall as the ideal times to start preparing for SAT and ACT tests. These test results are extremely important to a student’s academic future at the collegiate level and can be the deciding factor in scholarships, student loans, or even the choice of college your student aims to attend.
If you believe your student may be lacking confidence or is underprepared for upcoming SAT or ACT exams, don’t wait enroll your child in our in-home test preparation program(s).
We hand pick the ABC Tutors instructor that will be the best fit for each student and determine how often and how long each in-home tutoring session should be. Once your student’s tutoring program has been determined, weekly one-on-one tutoring will begin! Every student’s progress is documented, ensuring their targeted knowledge building goals are met.
Facts, U. (2022, May 11). Are fewer students taking the SAT? Retrieved from usafacts.org: https://usafacts.org/articles/are-fewer-students-taking-the-sat/
Forbes. (2021, October 13). The Number Of Students Taking The ACT. Retrieved from forbes.com: https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaeltnietzel/2021/10/13/the-number-of-students-taking-the-act-dropped-22-this-year/?sh=6bcf59b1c60a

Contact Us
6731 W 121st St. Ste. 223
Overland Park, KS 66209
Phone: (888) 222-3935
Fax: (913) 685 - 0533
E-mail: contactus@abctutors.com