ABC In-Home Tutors Is Different from Other Learning Centers
ABC In-Home Tutors Is Different from Other Learning Centers
Every Student is unique and the approach to learning and retaining information should be individualized. That’s why we believe in the one-on-one approach to learning. We know that students respond better to this type of instruction opposed to the typically over crowded learning centers that most likely won’t have the resources to give a child the one on one attention they need.
ABC In-Home Tutors is different from most learning centers and after school tutoring programs, our unique approach to learning offers better results than other academic programs. At ABC Tutors we bring a learning environment to a familiar environment, your own home. This allows us to better engage with each student, ensuring that materials are understood, and information is retained at a much higher level.

Unlike most after school tutoring programs or learning centers, ABC Tutors works with students on an individualized one on one basis. Every student that enrolls in one of our in-home tutoring programs is paired with the best ABC instructor to meet their specific needs. Every one of our expert educators has been pre-screened and certified to ensure that every child receives the best instruction and every academic advantage that we can offer.
At ABC Tutors it is our mission to ensure that every student is set up for success and has been given the right tools to excel academically. Students are more to likely succeed when there is structure, repetition, and familiarity; that’s why we don’t switch instructors for our students unless necessary. We find that you get the best results when a relationship is built between student, parents, and instructor.
One of the major differences between our instructors and those at other learning centers, is that many of our instructors work with students throughout their entire education (k-12) and many of our instructors have had the opportunity to provide in-home tutoring services for multi child homes. We take great pride in building lasting relationships with every student and family that has allowed us the opportunity to educate your child in the comfort of their own home.
ABC Tutors Brings the Learning Environment to Your Home
We bring one on one in person learning to the comfort of your child’s home where our instructors can act as mentor and advocate for your child’s academic success. Scholastic studies show children that utilized one on one in-home tutoring services retain information at a much higher rate and tend to perform better in school when compared to their peers enrolled in group programs or location-based learning centers.
While learning centers are an alternative to in-home tutoring, they do not offer the same level of individualized attention that ABC Tutors offers students. Our in-home tutoring services and strategies are designed to build strong relationships, academic routines, and lifelong study habits without the added stress of traveling to expensive learning centers.
It’s Called Homework for a Reason
Learning and retaining information works best when it’s in a familiar environment, that’s what makes ABC In-home tutors the perfect fit for every student. Rather than taking the time out of your busy schedule by transporting your child to and from an after school program or learning center, let the expert instructors come to the comfort of your home.
After a long day in school the last thing mentally drained students want to do is go back to school. This is why ABC Tutors is unique, we understand that home is the best place for a student to continue learning when the bell rings. Our methods allow students to decompress, relax, and learn in a familiar environment that is quiet and free from distractions. When the students scheduled session has been completed, simply verify your next appointment, say goodbye instructor then sit back and enjoy the rest of your evening.
When you enroll a student in other learning centers or after school programs, parents are forced to commit to expensive long-term services which they are expected to pay for regardless of a student’s attendance, lack of success, or scheduling conflicts.
ABC In-Home Tutoring services are billed on a monthly basis, so there is no need to worry about any long-term contracts. Our programs are designed to be convenient for students and parents our are flexible hours make it easy for your child to get the help they need.
We typically determine the frequency and duration of tutoring sessions during our enrollment and interview process. This allows us to give parents and students our best recommendations, assess a student’s current needs or areas of focus, allowing us to establish goals or set benchmarks for each student’s academic success. Our services can be completely customized to fit each student’s specific needs and can be canceled anytime if we are not meeting expectations.
Since ABC Tutors offers the convenience of coming to your home, you will reduce stress, save time, and money on gas.
At ABC Tutors the only commitment we ask is that every student we work with be committed to their individualized education, making significant efforts to better themselves academically.
ABC Tutors Specializes in Working with Students Struggling with Learning Disabilities
We provide every student with one-on-one individualized attention from the comfort of their own home. ABC in-home tutoring and Academic Coaching programs are especially effective for students with Special Needs or those that struggle with organization and study skills.
- ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)
- ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
- Dyslexia
- Autism Spectrum
- Other Learning Disabilities
SAT and ACT Test In-Home Preparation Programs
Preparing for and taking the SAT and ACT can be a very stressful period in any student’s life, give your child every advantage before they take exam
We recommend that every high school junior and senior target the end of summer and beginning of fall as the ideal times to start preparing for SAT and ACT tests. These test results are extremely important to a student’s academic future at the collegiate level and can be the deciding factor in scholarships, student loans, or even the choice of college your student aims to attend.
- Test Preparation
- Test Taking Skills
If you believe your student may be lacking confidence or is underprepared for upcoming SAT or ACT exams, don’t wait enroll your child in our in-home test preparation program(s)
Below are the Subjects that we Specialize in at ABC Tutors
At ABC Tutors we are not limited by subject, every in-home instructor we employee has the knowledge and experience to guide your child through any subject covered in his or her curriculum.
- Basic Math Tutoring
- Pre-Algebra Tutoring
- Algebra Tutoring
- College Algebra Tutoring
- Trigonometry Tutoring
- Pre-Calculus Tutoring
- Calculus Tutoring
- Geometry Tutoring
- Reading & Writing Tutoring
- Reading Tutoring
- Reading Comprehension Tutoring
- English Tutoring
- Composition Tutoring
- Literature Tutoring
- Writing Tutoring
- Phonics Tutoring
- Grammar Tutoring
- Spelling Tutoring
- English Tutoring
- Spanish Tutoring
- French Tutoring
- German Tutoring
- Italian Tutoring
- ESL Tutoring (English as a Second Language)
- General Science
- Chemistry Tutoring
- Biology Tutoring
- Physics Tutoring
- Note Taking
- Test Preparation
- Test Taking Skills
- Academic Organization
- Time Management
- Confidence & Motivation
Please call, if we don’t currently have a tutor available to meet your particular needs, we will work with you to quickly locate a highly qualified instructor.
Enroll in an ABC Tutors In-Home Tutoring Program Today!
We make the enrollment process straight-forward and easy. We start by scheduling an interview with our ABC In-Home Tutoring Staff, parents, and the student. We first assess the needs of the student, identifying the specific areas that they are currently struggling in. Next, we work with parents and students to determine which ABC In-Home Tutor will be the best fit and how often and how long each in-home science tutoring session should be.
Once a student’s tutoring program has been determined, weekly one-on-one science tutoring will begin! Every student’s progress is documented, ensuring their targeted knowledge building goals are met.
If you think your child may be falling behind or struggling with his or her science skills, schedule a consultation with one of our education coordinators to start the ABC Tutors In-Home Tutoring enrollment and interview process.
We offer science tutoring year-round; spots fill up quickly so be sure to call or schedule online today!

Contact Us
6731 W 121st St. Ste. 223
Overland Park, KS 66209
Phone: (888) 222-3935
Fax: (913) 685 - 0533